Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I think I'll start a new series...

I've been thinking a lot about time, recently, and how we mark it.  Yes, there are days, weeks, and months... seconds tick on the watch my wife gave me for our anniversary; hours loom large and ominous like shadows or pass in quick, silent groups like Fall geese.  But those of us who think about these things (namely, everyone) know that time is subjective.  The calendar is decidedly not.  So how do I mark time?  Change, probably.  I am not the same person I was 10 years ago, 1 year ago, or yesterday.  Change is not, as I once thought, an accumulative process.  Some things are added to, but others are replaced.  Other things fill previously unknown holes like quicksand traps, and others still are switched out.  Harrison Ford with his bag of sand eyeballing the idol.

I want to keep thinking about this.  I propose to start a new series- to think each day about at least one way in which I mark the passage of time.  At least a sentence.  We'll see how long I can keep it up before my capriciousness (read: horrible ADD mated with incredible, Dude-ian level laziness) distracts my attention to the next, nearest shiny bauble.

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